蘇州博蘭特實驗室系統工程有限公司是提供凈化車間及實驗室整體解決方案的專業公司。在蘇州工業園區設有生產基地和產品展示廳。憑借嚴謹的科技與人性化的設計,締造了博蘭特產品的國際化品牌。 博蘭特一站式服務包括:凈化車間設計規劃及施工、實驗室規劃設計、實驗室家具工程、實驗室臺面、實驗室裝修工程、實驗室通風系統、實驗室潔凈系統、實驗室環保系統等。博蘭特采用國際化的管理模式,匯集了一批高技術水平的國內外科研人員,配備了良好的產品開發和生產設備,并順應國際市場的發展形勢,開發研制了一系列具有世界先進水平的實驗室家具及配套設備,產品種類千變萬化,并獲得建委批準的空調凈化安裝三級資質及實驗室家具中級制造資質,通過了ISO 9001:2000 國際質量體系認證及ISO 1400國際環境體系認證。是中國實驗室認可委員會所認可的供應商。 博蘭特工程案例遍布全國各地,一個工程一個精品,演繹博蘭特的創意與實力。
A leading company providing laboratory apparatus and complete solution to meet the needs of customers worldwide. We have production base in Suzhou. Our service comprises lab consulting, lab design, lab furniture, lab table-board, lab decorating, lab ventilation system, lab cleaning system, lab environmental protection system, and so on. Plan-lab maintains high standards of corporate governance. Our scientific research personnel from home and abroad have high-level skills. They have developed a wide variety of products including lab furniture of world standard. All our products have passed ISO9001:2000 . |